Push Fight was created 25+ years ago, and itall started with the game board. My goal wasto invent an aggressive game, and I drew afew board designs on paper. It didn't takelong to come up with the current board design(side rails and all), and I built one out of wood.I loved the way it looked, and I stuck with thedesign. The game pieces (and the way they worked) came to me in just a few days, and I loved the way it played. What Ididn't like, though, was having the ability to reverse a push. So, I came up with the anchor. As time went by, Irealized that the anchor adds a lot to the strategy, too. And, I have some great news.Some folks at MIT wrote a computer science paper about the Computational Complexity of Push Fight(March 9, 2018). Thanks to Erik Demaine, Jeffrey Bosboom and Mikhail Rudoy for their hard work.Push Fight is PSPACE-hard, and that's pretty cool. Here's the paper: Click here to download the MIT paper.I hope you enjoy my game. Look for tournaments in the future.Brett Picotte
You must play offense and defenseduring every turn, and danger isalways near.The game is fast-paced and canbe over in just minutes. Suddenfinishes are common!
Each player controls a team of 5game pieces, and the game flowsand changes rapidly.Experienced players have a bigadvantage over novice players.
Each turn consists of two moves(maximum) and a push. The goalis to push ONE of your opponent'sgame pieces off the board ateither end.You can also win by getting youropponent to give up because theyare trapped. In essence, it is asubmission fight on a game board.
Created by a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner to train his students, Push Fight isa pure strategy game of positioning, foresight, and force.Each player takes turns moving their pieces into advantageouspositions, and then pushing with one of their pieces.A back-and-forth game of lures, escapes, and clever aggression endswhen a single piece is pushed off the board.
Product Details:Ages: 8+Number of players: 2Playing time: 5-15 minutesBox Contents1 solid wood playing board1 rulebook10 solid wood play pieces (5 of each color)1 solid wood red anchor piece
Created by a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner to train hisstudents, Push Fight is a pure strategy gameof positioning, foresight, and force.Each player takes turns moving their piecesinto advantageous positions, and thenpushing with one of their pieces.A back-and-forth game of lures, escapes, andclever aggression ends when a single piece ispushed off the board.
Product Details:Ages: 8+Number of players: 2Playing time: 5-15 minutesBox Contents1 solid wood playing board1 rulebook10 solid wood play pieces (5 of each color)1 solid wood red anchor piece
Push Fight was created 25+ years ago, and itall started with the game board. My goal wasto invent an aggressive game, and I drew afew board designs on paper. It didn't takelong to come up with the current board design(side rails and all), and I built one out of wood.I loved the way it looked, and I stuck with thedesign. The game pieces (and the way they worked)came to me in just a few days, and I loved theway it played. What I didn't like, though, washaving the ability to reverse a push. So, Icame up with the anchor. As time went by, Irealized that the anchor adds a lot to thestrategy, too. And, I have some great news.Some folks at MIT wrote a computer sciencepaper about the Computational Complexity ofPush Fight (March 9, 2018). Thanks to ErikDemaine, Jeffrey Bosboom and Mikhail Rudoyfor their hard work.Push Fight is PSPACE-hard, and that's prettycool. Here's the paper:Click here to download the MIT paper.I hope you enjoy my game. Look fortournaments in the future.Brett Picotte
You must play offense and defense duringevery turn, and danger is always near.The game is fast-paced and can be overin just minutes. Sudden finishesare common!
Each player controls a team of 5 gamepieces, and the game flows andchanges rapidly.Experienced players have a big advantageover novice players.
Each turn consists of two moves (maximum)and a push. The goal is to push ONE ofyour opponent's game pieces off the boardat either end.You can also win by getting your opponentto give up because they are trapped.In essence, it is a submission fight on agame board.